The uses of lemon

The lemon tree is one of the oldest cultivated fruit plants originated from India. Today, lemon trees grow in subtropical climates all over the world, especially in Florida and the Mediterranean. Though the fruit and its juice have a sour taste to it, lemon is actually a fantastic buffer in the body and can reduce hyperacidity in the stomach. Lemon juice and peels have an antiseptic effect and the leaves of the tree are used to reduce fever. In addition, lemons are rich in vitamin C which strengthens the immune system and acting as an antioxant, protects cells from radical damage.

Lemons as a therapeutic usage helps anti-inflammatory action. It helps the body cleanse itself by promoting perspiration and acting as a natural diuretic. Lemons also stimulate the appetitie, aids digestion, strengthens body defense system, relieves cramps and also dilates the blood vessels in the skin.

Lemons are known for useful remedies for gout, urine retention, athritis, vitamin C deficiency, inflammation of the mouth and throat, hoarseness, digestive disorders, asthma, nervousness, insomnia, heart palpitations and helps the system with diseases of the stomach, liver and intestines.

Some uses for lemons:

Infusions from lemon leaves;
Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 3 tsp. of dried leaves and allow to steep for ten minutes. To reduce fever and relieve cramps, drink up to 2 cups per day.
Sweetened with honey, this tea helps coughs and asthma.
It is also a cure for insomnia. It promotes relaxation and deep sleep. Drink 1 cup before retiring at night.

Lemon Peels;
Relief from joint and nerve pains

The fragrant volatile oils found in the peel help relax blood vessels and produce an anti-inflammatory effect.